Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The display from nowhere!

Now that I live in Washington, right across the beautiful Columbia River one would think selling antiques in Portland, OR at Monticello Marketplace was going to be so easy. Remember - I used to live in Cottage Grove, OR and had to drive two and a half hours to get to Portland. But our new home has no place for my antiques. Yes, we are working on getting a barn built but it takes months. So this new display literally came from nowhere. I had no place to set it up - I am a two and a half hour drive from my current warehouse - so it was a difficult one. It happened and has sold well already. The primitive hutch and chippy table sold the first day. I never even got pictures! So I was back in today with more furntiure to fill in the gaps. I am always amazed at how many wonderful customers come up to me to say how much they love our booth. It is heartwarming. So from nowhere it came but I got it done. So on a cold, rainy day go do some shopping at Monticello on Stark in Portland. Maybe I will see you there!  I look forward to 2015 (and a barn) and the promise of new things to come. Celebrate and may the New Year be one of your best.... Mary